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St Marouns Day 2018

Friday, February 9, 2018

February 9 is St. Maroun's Day in Lebanon.

He is the patron saint of Lebanon, that is why this feast is a public holiday.

Saint Maroun (also Maro or Maron) was a priest and hermit.

His life and miracles attracted many followers.

After his death in 410 AD a special movement was founded, that became known as the Maronite movement.

The Maronite movement reached Lebanon when the first disciple of St. Maroun, Abraham of Cyrrhus, realized, how many non-Christians were in Lebanon.

He decided to convert them to Christianity and introduced them to St. Maroun.

The Maronite Church has achieved a profound influence in Lebanon, while in modern Syria, Jordan and Israel it is one to a lesser degree.

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